Monday 25 June 2012

Pacquiao - Bradley Boxing: DILLIGAF

After Dispatching Pacquiao, Bradley Will Easily Defeat Mayweather

By Rasheed Catapang

Floyd Mayweather Jr may be the best boxer in the planet this time around but he’s sure to lose that title along with whatever belts he has should he fight Tim Bradley. Mayweather and Bradley are both undefeated inside the ring but the latter should be favored to win against the pound for pound king. After all, Bradley has the win over the feared fighter many thought and believed Floyd has always avoided.

For those with short memories, Bradley soundly defeated Pacquiao just weeks ago. It was a masterful performance that saw Bradley administering Pacquiao his comeuppance – the punishment for going against Obama, badmouthing the gay community and wielding the bible like the popes did during the dark ages. As Duane Ford eloquently stated, “Bradley gave Pacquiao a boxing lesson.” Ford, along with CJ Roth, helped secure the win for Bradley.

Of course, everybody else who watched the fight saw Pacquiao as the clear winner. It doesn’t matter. Larry, Curly and Mo, or their recent incarnations as boxing’s judges, in such instances reign supreme. Infallible like gods, the verdict was straight up from the 3 Stoogees Book of Mayhem and could not be overturned.
That notwithstanding, it didn’t stop the WBO from conducting an exercise in futility. Its independent judges found out what everyone knew all along – that Pacquiao won the fight. But as said earlier, nothing else would be done. What a massive waste of everyone’s time.

Pacquiao, who in his recent fights proved he is no longer the force of nature we come to admire, urged us all to respect the judges. We know better that such stupidity is not to be respected. By acquiescing, Pacquiao lost not only the title but also a moral high ground. Well, he’s guaranteed 26 million dollars win or lose while the rest of us mortals hang only to truth, justice or some semblance of such. We’re not giving up on that.

We know now that Pacquiao has lost the fire within, the pure joy we’ve seen before when he plies his trade is all but gone. He’s ripe for the taking. The judges as such stole for Bradley what rightfully belongs to Mayweather – the guy who waited so long for nothing. Floyd’s legacy will always have that question mark now.

As for Bradley, he really shocked the world. It doesn’t take superior skill to prevail in boxing after all. With the right judges, pedestrian skills could take you there.

Boxing’s now a joke and it’s not even funny.

Monday 4 June 2012

Froch’s win over Bute kills any hope of Pacquiao vs. Mayweather

By Rasheed Catapang:

“I’m always angry.” Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner said in the Avengers movie signifying the beginning of the end for the enemies.  It might as well have been Carl Froch saying that. In his own word, he was an animal - the green behemoth unleashed upon a cerebral but helpless Bute. And as Froch ’s brutal honesty manifested itself in the fight as blunt force, the hopelessness of Bute’s cause became more obvious.

You know what’s coming but still you’re not prepared.  “Hulk smash” is such a wonderful thing to behold.
It was perceived before the fight that Lucian Bute would win. After all, he was the talented fighter with the superior skill. The recognized technician should have made Froch crude than he already is and then should have proceeded to dissecting him. It didn’t come to pass.

Boxing is not rocket science. If it is, no one was paying attention to Froch’s evolution.

Froch is made entirely of different clay, an amalgam of elements forged by the heat of difficult battles. From 2008 onwards, he went against only the best his division could offer. He didn’t always triumph but he evidently came out a better man. A beast forged by fire that Bute is not ready for.

There is another thing we can take with us from Froch’s triumph. With Froch’s win over Bute, the superiority of Pacquiao over “Flawed” Mayweather is increasingly obvious. Mayweather has always look good on paper but he has also always taken the path of least resistance. We don’t need a Bunsen burner to know that paper burns.

Cotto showed us the real Floyd. Not the modern great many writers painted him to be in that fight but a “Flawed” Mayweather unable to impose his will on a not so willing victim. Applying Mayweather’s logic, and he’s right this time, Cotto is a Pacquiao leftover. How come then that Cotto is not as soft as Mayweather wanted him to be? Floyd couldn’t break him down the way Pacquiao did. He never came close. Floyd didn’t own Cotto. In fact, the opposite was true. Floyd’s face was a bloody mess reminiscent of Cotto’s bloody face when he was at the losing end.

Floyd has been feasting on no hopers that it rubbed on him. We are what we eat.

Floyd is Bute . And Pacquiao is Froch many times better. Not entirely the truth and not a lie either.  Bute is a warrior ever ready to take risk while Floyd would run from it.

Pacquiao would deliver his own “Hulk smash”. You’re dreaming if you think Mayweather will stand in the way of that. We weren’t really listening when all along Floyd has been screaming No Mas.

First published at