Friday 4 May 2012

Mayweather Vs Cotto: Rich Coward Winning

I write to Bury Cotto, not to praise him. Miguel is a fine champion, one of the best of his generation. He is also Victor Ortiz but with pedigree - a fact that wasn’t lost on Mayweather, and perhaps the very reason why they will soon enough share the same ring.
It’s always darkest before dawn. And Floyd once more would prove true to form. The demon demands his pound of flesh. Cotto’s final shot at greatness will be put to rest.
“There’s no template to beat Mayweather.” The devil knows best to practice Narcissism. But truth be told, there really is none. There is, however, a template of how to be Mayweather.
When confronted with a superior force or a tough challenge that might mean a loss, a boxer may do one or all of the following: Retire temporarily, run away and fight the beatable next guy, or wait like a serpent for the superior force to weaken (after being in so many wars) before locking horns with it. Here is the gifted at his very best. Practice the con of the undefeated.
To be able to perpetuate the myth, on the other hand, is another thing entirely. And if memory serves me right, one of the sorrowful mysteries. How can a  rich coward (by Floyd’s own admission) be the Pound-for-pound King? How can one so risk averse as Floyd -who fears his health is in danger if he took the fight the world wants to see -  be boxing’s number one guy? You tell me.
Floyd’s more like a middle finger sticking out in the air instead of the towering figure some portrayed him to be.
And while Floyd is sure of himself that he cannot beat Pacquiao, he is sure as hell that Cotto is no threat now. Cotto could have taken him down years ago but that time has long since gone. Cotto is a shadow of the menacing figure he once was and Mayweather is well aware of that. Cotto losing the fight is a foregone conclusion.
Long live the King, the gift that keeps on taking.

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