Sunday 4 March 2012

Mayweather’s a Duck, Pacquiao Needs to Quack and Why “Linsanity” Affects Floyd So Much

Floyd Mayweather had issues with “Linsanity”. And he won’t be apologizing for it. That’s understandable. He could not come to terms with the fact that Jeremy Lin in such so short a time already has what had eluded him all his life. The NBA’s newest sensation had been playing but a few weeks and yet had captivated fans the world over. Mayweather, on the other hand, even with his lifetime in boxing is still not there.

Mayweather turns a blind eye to the beauty of what Lin is all about. Lin embodied the hope and aspirations of the common man, persevering and working silently unnoticed, and making the most of what he has when given that small window of opportunity to shine. Lost to Mayweather also, and conveniently so, is the fact that Lin is holding his own against his sports bests. That’s something Floyd, a risk-averse boxer if there ever was one, has never done and will never ever do.

Lin took it to Kobe Bryant like it was the most natural thing to do. Not blinking when confronted by the best Basketball Player in the planet right now. Mayweather meanwhile invented all sorts of excuses just so he could avoid being in the same ring with boxing’s Kobe that is Manny Pacquiao.

And so, there’s no more denying the obvious. Floyd Mayweather is a duck, constantly running away from a real fight. (For those in denial, please see the Bob Costas interview where Floyd’s true colors – as a duck – was shining through.)

“To be the best, you need to fight the best.” Mayweather shamelessly advocates and annoyingly repeats so often something he’s not done or is keen on doing. Cotto, his next willing victim, surely doesn’t fit the bill of the best. Not when Pacquiao is around. But credit to the duck for keeping the fraud at play for the longest time.

“I’ll pray for him.” Pacquiao, on the other hand, stated when asked about Mayweather. That’s exactly the kind of answer to expect in an alternate universe. Short of eating his children, Floyd has unleashed on Pacquiao the kind of verbal abuse the most resolute and reasonable of men would already have done something about.

But of course, Pacquiao is an ambassador of the Bible now. But even his Church when wronged would retaliate once in a while, the very purpose of launching a holy war.
Pacquiao needs to drop the good guy act and to start unleashing hell on Floyd Mayweather. If he aspires to be his country’s president and thinks giving the other cheek is the surest way to get there, then he is ill advised and is gravely mistaken.

Pacquiao ought to be in the front row when Floyd takes on Cotto. Taking the limelight which Floyd craves so badly away from him and delivering himself the unmistakable message of a challenge Floyd will be unable to evade.

Act like a King to be treated like one. Pacquiao needs to quack and soon or the Fraudster will reign supreme.

Meanwhile, Linsanity flourishes whether Floyd likes it or not. The world, for now, is still somewhat right.

(First published at Boxingnews24)

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