Thursday 7 May 2015

Running Man Mayweather Awarded a Win Over Tepid Pacquiao

(My take on the forgettable Mayweather-Pacquiao boxing match. Read on fellow afficionados, this is worth your time and 100 times much better than the fight!)

Basketball is a running game. Apparently, so is boxing. And Mayweather who showcased his running skills against Pacquiao naturally won.

It was a masterful performance once again by Mayweather. He ran around the ring and Pacquiao rarely caught up with him. But the fight of the century it never was. More like tag you're it. Mayweather playfully running away and Pacquiao just happy to be there.

We waited for the Big Bang from two boxing gods sharing the same ring, a Mayweather-Pacquiao supernova that will reverberate through time and space altering our perception of life or reinforcing it. Boxing becoming a religious experience once more, like the gladiator combat in all its glory way back in Ancient Rome.

Alas, Mayweather was always a blackhole. And Pacquiao's light always destined to be sucked in by the growing darkness - the inevitable death of a star.

It ended in a whimper. Mayweather fleeing after a few love taps and Pacquiao taking his own sweet time to run after Floyd with no sense of urgency at all. Boxing's ultra elites went through the motion - a sparring job at best - and happily collected their ungodly pay cheques.

Elsewhere, the Spurs and Clippers battled to the death in game 7. Blake Griffin was finally the monster we wanted him to become and Chris Paul gave his life and limb to overcome the almighty Tim Duncan. Super athletes rising to the occasion and elevating themselves. That was the real fight of the century.

The boxing match we've waited for and watched was however something else entirely. 

Mayweather's bogus win is a middle finger directed to the suckers that we are and Pacquiao's shoulder injury a good sell for a rematch.

The con remains at play.

Article first published at Boxingnews24.